Delicious and Nutritious Meals

We are aware that food and drink are necessary parts of life; therefore, we must try to provide our residents with good-tasting food that looks appetizing. We know this plays a part in eating their scheduled meals daily. We will observe what food and drink they like and try to plan well to accommodate every resident’s palate. However, we know that good-tasting food is not the only thing we need to provide; we must provide all of the nutritiorial value to maintain good physical and mental health. At Home For Mom And Dad ALF, we prioritize this so that our residents in our care can stay healthier and live longer.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


Soft and Easy-to-Chew Meals

Throughout the years of caring for the elderly, we have learned that they prefer smaller meals, whether for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. When they want seconds, they will be provided upon request.

However, some residents usually do not value hydration. In our facility, they will be encouraged and will have a variety of options they will have access to fruit juices, water, and other soft drinks. Staff will be offering these options to keep their thirst quenched.

We also occasionally introduce food that is new to their palate. We will try other world cuisine to avoid the boredom of having the same menu on a week-to-week basis. When they don't like it, other options will be provided.

Finally, our residents will have the option to eat in their room, but we will try our best to encourage as many as possible to eat in our dining room to promote the social aspect of dining in the company of their peers.

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